2016年9月16日 星期五

How to summarize an article?

Well, every time I read an article, it is difficult for me to sum up and get the point.
So I just read, but there is nothing left in my brain.
I think it's not an effective way to learn new things.

To improve the situation, I watched some videos and tutors.
These are the sources I find:

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VwEl-MiZH0E

2016年7月27日 星期三

example (update date: 2016/8/3)

  • spooky - The statue in the corner seems spooky.
  • to colonize - Japan had colonized Taiwan for 40 years.
  • colonist - The first colonist in Taiwan was Dutch.
  • be unmatched - Because of competing with each other, the two sale teams are unmatched.
  • to worship - In our religion, we always worship the Sun as a powerful symbolization.
  • there is more to it than that... - 
  1. There is more to the truth than what we see on the surface. We can't judge things by first expression.
  2. There is more to the watch than checking time. You can also have a phone call with it.
  3. You should try this food, there is more delicious dish than looking ugly.
  4. There is more speaking English than just learning grammar. You must practice itself.
  5. The woman is successful in this career,  there is more efforts than talents and luck.
  6. There is more this than meeting the eyes, I think Tom doesn't tell the whole truth.
  • instead (of) - 
  1. You can take a cab instead of walking in the dangerous street.
  2. Instead of walking on the dangerous street, you can take a cab.
  3. You can take a cab but you walk on the dangerous street instead.
  • virtue - Education makes us having more personality virtues.
  • elite - In the ancient time, the elites had lots of power.
  • courtyard - There is a wide courtyard between these two buildings.
  • monk - His living style is as strict as a monk.
  • priest - The priest led us to pray before the dinner beginning. 
  • pagoda - My foreign friend likes the pagoda which is located beside the Lotus Lake.
  • relic - The association is devoted to preserving the relics of aboriginal tribes.
  • pavilion - We can take a rest under the pavilion.

  • mausoleum- Many great people's corpse are put in the mausoleum.
  • house- The shelter can house most of the refugee.
  • grief-stricken- When the attack happened, the people in front of the TV were grief-stricken.
  • illustrate- The situation illustrates we still keep working for better result.
    This situation illustrates that we should work more in order to have(obtain; keep on) better results
  • in my defense- I broke the expensive vase, in my defense, the child rushed out suddenly so I had to avoid him.
  • spouse- This party would be allowed to attend with your spouse.
  • entrust- You can entrust my long-term experience.
  • extravagant- My friend always purchase extravagant  products. / The price is extravagantly high.
  • gemstone- The gem hunter found the biggest ruby gemstone in the world. 
  • feature(Something makes something special or characteristic)- The ring features a green gemstone. / The sales person features great social skill.
  • be under threat- The rain-forest in under threat of cutting and agriculture activity.
  •  transportation means- Ship is the only transportation mean to leave this place.
  •  emperor - The country was taken control of a strict emperor.  The strict emperor took control of the state. = The control of the state was taken by the strict emperor.

2016年7月16日 星期六

DMM eikaiwai 英會話 使用心得

DMM eikaiwai 英會話 已上了一個月課程,其中有一些使用心得能夠分享給大家

1. 可預先加客服的skype,在首頁的左下角,服務時間是日本時間早上9點到隔天凌晨1點。我有兩次因為網路不穩以及老師沒上線,直接跟客服反映,說我現在在上課,可是遇到以上問題,他也不囉嗦直接給我補課券,會馬上出現在系統上,只是要注意有使用期限。(ps. 客服是回日文,不過我打英文也通)

2. 填入信用卡後會自動登錄在系統中,之後會自動續約。我第一個月因為不確定之後是否會繼續上,有先到my page裡面取消登錄。(信用卡名字是照卡面填,不要有空格或任何標點符號,我用台灣的信用卡很順利就買到。或是檢查是否卡號打錯?)

3. 第一次買課程時很順利,沒有被擋台灣IP。但是承上面敘述,不知道是我沒有自動續約,第二個月要上的時候一直被導入engoo的頁面。最後是經由chrome hola的擴充程式掛日本VPN後才付款成功。

4. 30天正式課程結束後,因為我還有一張補課券就拿來預約,但是沒有購買課程時是無法使用的,因為系統過兩小時就幫我取消預約,害我沒預約到原本的老師...幸好補課券有還我~

5. 方案的部分,這個之前我在ptt有問過,因為日幣貶值時,想知道能不能一次買多個月課程起來屯放,答案是不行。因為一旦買了這個方案,當進入選取方案的畫面時,系統會顯示目前無法變更(現在コース変更はできません。)

6. 選老師時,除了看簡介及自介影音檔外,也可以參考網友留言,有些人會留言網路連線是否正常(例如 回線が悪く就是連線訊號不好的意思),發音及教學方式。另外我在另一篇線上英文學習歷程有分享自己如何在第一堂課辨別老師適不適合自己的方式

7. 教材方面,這個就要看大家的需求及興趣,目前我都是上旅行/文化類型的教材,也能跟老師互相分享旅行的經驗。之後會試試看IELTS Speaking的教材。

8. 這個網站系統也有支援手機版,瀏覽網站時很方便,有時老師在我上班期間才開放上課時段,我用手機很快就能預約完成。

9. 有native teacher可以選,可是要多加錢。








另外因為我選的老師都不是native speaker,多少會有點口音,不過我認為這算是優點,畢竟世界那麼大,不是每個人都說正統美式或英式口音,只要聽得懂並且適切回應、溝通,這才是我學英文最大的目的。

跟第一次見面的老師,上課前會透過自我介紹及閒聊來了解老師的背景,若有碰到相同興趣會加分,若沒有的話,因為我一開始選擇的教材都是beginner daily news,不僅比較輕鬆,也因為簡單所以我能判斷自己喜不喜歡老師的上課方式,我都會問一些簡單的問題(我知道答案),看老師如何回應,是否能清楚解釋。畢竟我是花錢來上課,不希望上了第二堂才發現不適應老師的教學方式~
